Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Jason is nearsighted. He has glasses now that he wears when he watches soccer games, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Oprah.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bye Bye Beadie

Well Cale had the bead removed from his ear this morning. About 20 minutes before they took him to the OR, he took some syrup-like medicine. Five minutes after that he was acting like a drunk. It was strange. The procedure only took a few minutes and he was back home by 930 this morning. Hopefully, we won't be seeing him in a 'drunk' state again for many many years. Or maybe never.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Night Fever

Well it was finally nice out for once. We went to a big fancy playground and the kids had fun. I am planning on making Saturdays school free days. I did break the rules today but I had to get those calculus problems done by midnight tonight. I am feeling somewhat better about it.

Cale is going in for surgery at 8am on Monday I'll let everyone know how it goes. Here is a random picture since we left our camera somewhere:

This is a photograph of pez dispensers fighting a plastic knight.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back to School

The bead is still in Cale's ear. I took Cale to the doctor and he had a complete freak out. The whole thing was horrible. We'll have to go to the surgery center on Monday to get the thing out. I hate that bead.

I did start school today so that is good... oh but I hate calculus because I can't remember how to do it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Weekly Update

Well, Cale still has a bead lodged in his ear. He'll go to a different doc on Tuesday to try and get it out. Cross your fingers. The mouse is still around because I forgot traps at the store. I did remember the milk though. Maya got a haircut but I don't have a pic yet.

Aden likes the winter...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


We have a mouse under the kitchen sink. He appears to be stuck there because his 'presents' can not be found anywhere else.

If only we had someone who could dispatch of him...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A boy and his bead

Awhile back Cale put a bead in his ear. We made a doctor's appointment but the night before the bead fell out of his ear so we canceled with the doctor. A couple moths later Cale goes in for a checkup and we are informed that there is a bead in his ear. He put two in originally.

The doc tries to get it out but can't get it. Carrie takes Cale to an ear specialists but he can't get it out because Cale is freaking out and screaming and fighting. We schedule a surgery at the hosiptal so they can give Cale some gas and then get it out. Then the insurance lady calls and says that will cost us in the 800-900 dollar range. We cancel.

Now we are considering other options. I think I might juist have to take him to the doctor. I'll sit on him and hold his head down while the doctors pulls the stupid bead out. Cale will scream louder than you can imagine but it has to be done.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bloggity Blog Blog

Welcome to our family blog!!!
Feel free to follow along on our zany adventures as we take on the entire world.