Monday, January 24, 2011

Lice Lice Baby

Well besides for the lice infestation it has been a decent month. By the way, do not get lice. It's horrible. Everyone got some except Aden. Lucky kid.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

December can be a long month for our family. Three birthdays (five if you count Ruby and that whole Jesus thing). Well we have survived. We have picked up some new toys (woohoo mandolin!!!) and donated some away. As the kid's get older things like birthdays and holidays don't seem as stressful anymore and the time is appreciated a little more. We all even managed to stay awake for the New Year. I don't really like the whole yearly recap thing so I'll just say 2010 was a great year for the family. Some of us grew a little and some of us grew enough that we are no longer considered a demon by our parents (Aden).