Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Bear

This isn't the greatest shot but it's a freaking bear! I know people in the area see them all the time but this was the kid's first time to see a wild black bear. He was actually just sort of standing there waiting for us to drive off so he could get back to the overturned trash can that is just out of the picture.

Vacation Day 1

Day 1 of our vacation consisted mostly of raging rivers, open roads, and large tooth-busting lollypops. We arrived in Steamboat Springs in the late afternoon, checked into our hotel, and strolled around the downtown area. There we admired the local ski jerks (who are probably perfectly nice human beings - well as long as you own a Subaru) and the tourists. Nothing is better than laughing internally at the tourists who are in stupid T-Shirts and have no control over their children. Did I say laughing? No I meant - crying at the realization of what I look like to them is what they look like to me. Still, it can't be denied (not by the readers of this blog anyway) that my kids are so much cuter, well behaved, smarter, and kinder than those kids. At least they are when I wave a stick of sugary doom in their face.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011