Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break in Colorado Springs

This week was spring break so of course that meant it was time for the Watkins family to drop in on one of America's most right wing, fundamentalist cities. I mean we didn't want Colorado Springs feeling too safe. After some time spent looting, vandalizing, and placing Dennis Kucinich bumper stickers on random Hummers we decided to visit some of the local attractions.

On Monday we went to the Cave of the Winds. The tour through the cave included many tight passages and a brief demonstration of what it feels like in total darkness. Later that day we took a drive up to the Florissant National Monument where we saw 40 million year old fossilized red woods and a brief demonstration of what is like to be a 40 million year old fossilized tree.

On Tuesday we finished are break with a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Maya was obsessed with the orangutans. Aden loved all the various monkeys and lemurs. Cale, always striving to reach a higher level of individuality, declared the naked mole rats to be his favorite animal at the zoo.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Maya's Letter to the Tooth Fairy

Less than 48 hours ago Maya had a loose front tooth just hanging from the gum. Yesterday at breakfast she noticed that it was no longer there but she did not recall when or where it went.

To rectify the situation she wrote the following to the Tooth Fairy:

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I lost my tooth. I have no idea when I lost it. I think I swallowed it but can I still get some money?

Love Maya