Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Camping with Grandaddy

On Saturday evening we went to Jack's Gulch Campground with Grandaddy. Just across the road from the campground is the western edge of the High Park Fire and people are mostly avoiding the area. This meant we had a popular campground almost to ourselves on a Saturday afternoon/evening.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

At the top of the world

Yesterday was probably not the best day to drive up Mount Evans. Fog and rain greeted us on the way. While at the summit hail and ice began to fall from the sky and rushed to get back in the car. We sat it out for 10 minutes and then drove down with an inch of hail on the road.


 Badger contemplates biting Aden's hand off.

Maya, Nana, and Butch.

 Cale holds on for dear life.

And of course we had to visit Zeke before leaving.