Monday, August 20, 2012

Horsetooth Rock

On Friday the entire family set out to conquer Horsetooth Rock. Our party was doing well until we neared the top and the trail became rocky. Maya, Aden and Carrie decided to wait about a quarter mile from the top while Cale and I went on. At the top Cale said we should pick easier hikes. One day I'll make a hiker out of him.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mt Rushmore

Mt. Rushmore is the main attraction in the Black Hills and is swarming with tourists. If your in the area I would recommend stopping by for a quick view because it is impressive. However, I would not think it would be worth the drive to South Dakota only to see Mt Rushmore. If you go take advantage of the national parks (Wind Cave, Badlands) and check out Custer State Park (buffalo and feral donkeys!)

Friday, August 17, 2012


When asked what their favorite part of our trip was. the kids will without hesitation say the waterslide in the hotel. Admittedly it was a really sweet slide. It was my 2nd favorite part of the trip after the Badlands.

Poor men want to be rich, rich men want to be king

An hour and a half east of the Black Hills sits Badlands National Park. Out of the high prairie spires and castles suddenly appeared. This was probably my favorite place we visited in South Dakota and I would love to return to do some hiking/backpacking. I think a spring or fall trip would be ideal to avoid the heat. I would also like to return so I can once again sing the word's to Bruce Springsteen's "Badlands" while I am in the Badlands and feel super smug with myself.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wind Cave

After the mammoth site we drove north to Wind Cave National Park. The land above the cave is a beautiful mix of untouched prairie and ponderosa forest. We saw a few buffalo relaxing in the afternoon sun. We took a tour that headed down about 300 to 400 stairs and saw lots of interesting formations. Just like Cave of the Winds in Colorado Springs, we got to experience true darkness for about 30 seconds.

Of Mammoths and Men

The first step on our trip to South Dakota was a mammoth dig site in Hot Springs. I must admit I was little skeptical to go to the site. The Black Hills are littered with tourists traps and I thought this place might not be any different. However, it turned out to be a nice little non-profit dedicated to continuing mammoth research. Basically the site used to be a pre-historic sinkhole that the not-so- bright mammoths would fall into and not be able to get out. I don't know what it means but of the sixty mammoths they have found so far all of them are male.