Sunday, March 30, 2008


Okay. So Last Sunday driving home Carrie saw a pug sticking it's head out of the window of another car. Apparently this inspired her to begin a search for a little dog to adopt. It only took one day. The next day she was on the phone with a rescue in Omaha setting up the adoption of a Boston Terrier named Sandy. On Wednesday evening we drove to a truck stop in Hudson, CO to pick up Sandy from a trucker that drove her out.

For a little back story on her - she is originally from a puppy mill but the place decided to stop breeding Boston Terriers and the rescue took her. She is four years old and like to hang out with big dogs. Too bad Ruby barely even notices there is another dog around.

We changed her name to Sadie since we already know a dog by that name and because it is similar. Ruby seems to care less that a little dog is now here and Goblin doesn't like it but as we all know cats aren't big fans of change. So far she is a bit skiddish and the kids can be loud for her. This morning she is actually hanging out with all the kids in the playroom which seems like a bit of a breakthrough.

Here are some pics:

Dance Fever

Maya started dance class last Wednesday:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random Post to Keep My Readers Happy

Okay. I suppose I should post here now and then so people don't stop checking.

Carrie and I have a Netflix account and I feel as though Carrie rates movies to high. I'm usually one star lower. Into the Wild is not 5 stars. 4 sure but not 5. She did rate Michael Clayton as 4 which I though was pretty darn close to 5. Also thought the Jesse James movie was 5 stars which I agree with. I guess what I'm getting at is Netflix need a 1/2 star rating. Also I don't know why Carrie wanted to rent the Jiminy Glick movie so bad but I still think she is great. I probably made her sit through six hours on Lonesome Dove once or something like that. We don't sell pigs!

As some of you may know I listen to a lot of music. I am about to attempt a top 5 list of bands I currently like:

1 The National
2. Okkervil River
3. The Mountain Goats
4. The Avett Brothers
5. Sunset Rubdown

Oh and here are some cute pics of strange little kids:

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cale's Artwork


I have developed an annoying eye twitch and it won't go away but at least I have this guy to offset it.

Nose Piercings

Carrie has something new...