Sunday, April 6, 2008

Report Card

Five weeks of school left. While I now have better study habits and grasp the material better my mind is drifting a bit more. It is so nice out.

I did receive a 82 on my last calculus 2 exam which beats the 20 or so I got on the first one. Given that you can replace the low score with a high I might even be able to get an A and I'm confident a B is in the works. Surveying is my most difficult class surprisingly. Lots of calculations and a professor who writes very unclear homework and exams questions.

And those are just the prerequisites.

I am in one graduate class. It is an intro to GIS class. All is well there. I have decided to focus my studies to coastal and underwater mapping. I have started reading the premier text on the matter and find it fascinating . I would use it to put the kids to bed but a fear their little minds would become to stimulated with all the talk of erosion and control points.

And update on Sadie the ankle-biter... well she is an ankle biter. She bit me very hard today and Carrie too. Not sure what to think. It is usually only when I first get home and she apparently forgets that I live here and tries to bit me. She also like to bite Ruby in the face when Ruby barks. It is her way of telling Ruby to shut up. This makes Sadie sound horrible but for the most part she is fine. Luckily she is smaller than our cat so a mauling is unlikely (mauling of Sadie by fat cat: likely!). Also I think Carrie appreciates Ruby a bit more. She can be annoying in her way but she would never bite anyone and she can probably hold off on going to the bathroom for two days. Not even kidding... it is amazing (everyone don't let your dog out to see how long it can go(this is a joke (this is more words in parenthesis))).

Also Carrie made me watch this past week's episode of Oprah going inside puppy mills. As much as you know I love Oprah, it was actually terrifying for reasons other than the infamous hostess. I believe Ruby was probably born of puppy mill stock which may explain something. I don't think we will ever get a dog again that isn't from a shelter, rescue, or very very reputable breeder. Besides, puppyies are ugly.

Good day all!

1 comment:

sara_v said...

Puppies are beautiful amazing little precious things that remind me a lot of babies, which maybe explains my affinity for the ever-dashing puppy Aden.