Monday, November 10, 2008

Two months later...

Ok I admit I'm super lazy and haven't posted for two months. Everyone is probably waiting on Halloween pics but since we forgot our camera keep waiting. Maybe those wonderful in-laws of mine can send over some pics, please.

Well what has happened the last two months? Cale started and finished a season of soccer. Sometimes he tried to run and once or twice a game he actually kicked the ball but I think he had fun.

He is one of the smartest kids in his class and can read most of his books and has excellent handwriting. I also have beautiful handwriting as anyone will tell you.

Maya is mostly just being Maya. She goes to preschool where we think she is fairly quiet. Her and Aden are playing a lot together lately.

Aden is starting to sleep a little better and I'm not up too much in the middle of the night. He loves Dora the Explorer now and his siblings tolerate it for his sake. They would rather be watching MTV or whatever the kids watch these days.

Finally, I feel a great deal of hope for the future and for my children. Reason has finally triumphed over extremism. I realize things will not be perfect but at this moment in history it would seem that things can only get better.

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