Thursday, January 15, 2009

Clean eatin!

So far my resolutions are going well. My boss has noticed an improvement in my attitude in 2009. It helps when I talk to the people I work with. I finished Last Evening on Earth and have started Then We Came to the End
. I really liked the Bolano stories but am not so sure about the other one yet.

I have been eating clean since Sunday. No diet soda, no sugar or corn syrup. No fast food. For the initial 4 weeks of my program I am eating mostly veggies and protein. I have been getting up between 430 and 5 am depending on the length of the workout. Workouts are between 1 and 1.5 hours.

I am quitting the stupid computer game for good. I guess I have lost interest. On the other hand we are getting a Wii and some Mario Kart. I will play with Cale and Maya. After the kids are in bed Carrie and I might play and yell profanities at each other. It's actually kinda sweet.

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