Sunday, January 11, 2009

Once again it has been a long time since the blog was updated. The holidays are over and we are glad. As much as we all like to despise our daily routines the consistency and routine can be comforting.

I have a lot of New Year's resolutions. My main one is too have a positive attitude about my job. I work with a lot of great people and have the security many lack. I have started P90X workout and nutrition program. Maybe you've seen the infomercial. I have managed to workout for months on end in the past but have never eaten as healthy as I'd like and now I'm trying. I even took fat pictures with my shirt off and we'll do more in 4 weeks. If I get results maybe I'll actually post them. I plan to read a lot more this year for both fun and school. Finally, I want to quit wasting my time with a certain video game. It detracts from school, movie, wife, and kid time. So everyone hold me accountable.

Carrie's resolution is to give high fives to at least one stranger everyday. Cale wants to continue building Lego's and we want to help him learn to ride his bike. I don't think Maya and Aden have any stated resolutions but I'd like to see Maya be a little more social at school. Aden just needs to sleep from 8pm to at least 6am without wake and I'll be so happy.

Goblin needs to re-discover that poop is best placed inside of a litter box. I don't how he forget. Maybe he has seasonal disorder or something. I think Ruby is much better than she was at this time last year but I hope she lowers her anxiety level a little bit. She really has nothing to worry about.

Go President Obama!

Happy New Year everyone.

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